Knutts4Knotts is a FREE upcoming Knott's Berry Farm Park Assistant iPhone & Android App: get insider Knott's tips to help you maneuver and locate items within the park.

Currently it is only available via the website while we continue on development. Once it is closer to a full release we will launch on mobile devices. We only have one developer in the team (@HorrorPapi) so we're working our best to make sure he works undisturbed while we work on the social aspects of the project.

We are Knott's Berry Farm season passholders and this started off as a personal passion project as we were frustrated with the official app's functionality when it came to food menus and searchability in locating specific food items throughout the park. After the initial idea, we teamed up with other season passholders to crank some ideas out about our ideal app. We are community driven so if you have any suggestions we are more than welcome to hear them! All input is appreciated, contact us.